Hier haben wir Informationen zum „IVERSON“ DOCUMENTARY TRAILER.
Allen Iverson might not be your typical NBA player, but nobody can deny his legendary existence in the association. Iverson is the newest documentary on the prolific Philadelphia 76ers shooting guard and point guard. His career achievements are as numerous as his tattoos and braid styles, including NBA Rookie of the Year, NBA MVP, 11x All-Star, 2 x MVP titles at All-Star games, 4 x NBA scoring champion, and representing USA at 2004 Olympics to name but a few. The film will premiere at Tribeca Film Festival on Sunday, April 29. The film interviews Iverson, alongside Tom Brokaw, Larry Brown, Dwayne Wade, Carmelo Anthony, and many others who came in touch with him. Watch the gripping theatrical trailer below.
Ich freu mich schon auf den 29.04.2014 und hoffe die „Iverson“ Documentary schnell sehen zu können!